Gamma-Ray Bursts | Death From Space Explained

Gamma Ray Bursts Explained

Gamma Ray Bursts  .What causes Gamma Ray Burst , how Gamma rays Can kill you , Gamma Ray bursts as death from space Lets find out all your queries in this article about gamma ray bursts.
Imagine if you could gather the energy from every star within a hundred million light years.From thousands of galaxies, each with billions of stars. Imagine you could take this kind of power, and use it to fire the biggest super-weapon in the universe. Imagine the damage you can do.It turns out , you don't need to imagine it.These exists and they are called Gamma-ray bursts.

But what are these cosmic snipers?And what happens if one takes a shot at Earth?

To understand gamma ray bursts,we first have to understand gamma rays.


Gamma rays are electromagnetic radiation - waves which carry energy just like visible light.Visible light is a tiny part of the electromagnetic spectrum,it's the part your eyes can see.At lower energies ,there are radio waves ,microwaves and infrared. And at higher energies , ultraviolet , x-rays and gamma-rays. Gamma rays are incredibly powerful .

A single gamma ray photon, is more energetic than a million visible photons combined. Their high energy makes gamma rays a form of ionizing radiation, Meaning they are energetic enough , to break apart  atomic bonds. This makes them dangerous to you and me. ionizing radiations distrups the delicate biochemical machinery that keeps us alive,like a 9mm bullet through a pistol . Fortunately,on Earth, the ozone layer blocks gamma rays . Filtering them out before they can harm us.But if the atmosphere blocks gamma rays from space.

How were gamma ray bursts (or GRBs) from space ever discovered?  

During the cold war,the USA sent up spy satellites , which could detect gamma rays from Soviet nuclear test in space. They didn't see any bombs , but they did observe faint bursts coming from space , lasting only a few seconds . To date , this may be the only major scientific discovery made by spy satellites (that we know about anyway). Astronomers use telescopes see different kinds of light to make their discoveries. And these spy satellites gave them a new pair of eyes.They were mystery for thirty-years but eventually, we discovered the source of a GRB: a galaxy six-billion light years away.

If a GRB can be seen from such a distance , then it must be incredibly energetic. Releasing more energy in a second than the sun will, in its entire ten billion years lifetime. Making GRBs, the brightest events in the universe. So,where did they come from, GRBs , accompany some of the most violent, cataclysmic deaths in the universe, and the birth of black holes(to know more click). 
There are two types of gamma ray bursts :- Short and long , and each has their own source.

Long GRBs last about a minute , and scientists think they are produced supernova when the core of a massive star collapses to become a black hole.

Short GRBs lasts a second, and are produced when two neutron stars in a binary merge.Over millions of years, their orbits decay by emitting gravitational waves.Once they are close enough to touch, they crash and splash into each other, forming a black hole.

Both supernova and neutron star merges the same thing,black holes, surrounded by a magnetized disc of gas left over from their parent stars.In these environment , the rotation winds up the magnetic field , which funnels hot jets of particles,travelling at nearly the speed of light . The gas in this funnels creates two tight jets of high energy gamma rays, like a celestial laser gun.

So unlike other cosmic explosions,which spread out and fade, GRBs stay focused ,and can be sen from much further.Any more detail would require too much mathematics for an article. The universe is full of these cosmic snipers , firing blindly and randomly into the dark, and they're hitting us all the time. On average,we detect one per day. Fortunately , most are harmless . All the bursts we have detected so far , originated outside the Milky way,too far away to hurt us,But a nearby GRB could be Disastrous, if one goes off within a few light years of us, it would totally cook the surface of the Earth.Or at least, the half that's facing it.But even a more distant GRB could still end the life of Earth.And it wouldn't need to score a head-shot to kill us. If originating from  a few thousand light years away,it would be a hundred light years wide by the time it reaches us,washing over the Solar system Like a tidal wave . Again, the ozone layer protects us , but it's better equipped to handle the trickle of ultraviolet form the sun. A gamma ray bursts would overwhelm it, leaving us exposed to deadly solar radiation. Ozone takes years to replenish itself by natural processes,which is more than enough time for the sun to burn the Earth sterile . Or at least , to kill most complex life. In fact,this may have already happened .

 A GRB has been suggested as one possible cause of the Ordovician extinction 450 million years ago,that eradicated almost 85% of all marine species. Although it's pretty much impossible to prove. Gamma ray bursts could even be the one reason we don't see life anywhere else in the universe. They might be wiping clean huge chucks of it, on a regular basis. It's been suggested , that because of GRBs, only 10% of all galaxies might be hospitable to life,similar to us . So, are they going to kill us, Probably not. In a galaxy like ours, there may only be one GRB per millennia. And to harm us, they must be close and directed at us,But since gamma rays travel at the speed of light , we won't know when it's headed our way until it arrives. So , there could already be a GRB on its way to kill us all, and we won't know it until it hits us,and we're dead.

Strange Stars | Strange matter and strange quasar (most dangerous stuff)


The most dangerous stuff in the universe Strange Stars Explained:-

To understand how extreme strange matter really is, we first need to get a few basics.

What is neutron star , and how does strange matter break the rules of the universe? To get all of this into one article, we will grossly oversimplify a few things but we'll provide you with further reading ,if you want more details.
A neutron star is  what remains after a very massive star explodes in a supernova. When this happens, the star's core collapses under its own gravity, with such a strong inward force that it squeezes nuclei and particles together violently.Electrons are pushed into protons , so they merge ,and turn into neutrons , all the nothing inside of atoms is suddenly completely filled with particles that really don't want to be close to each other but have no choice .They desperately push back against gravity, against the collapse,
if gravity wins they will become a black hole.
If they loose, they become a neutron star, this makes a neutron star like giant atomic nuclei the size of a city, but holding the mass of our sun ,And here ,things get weird. The environment in the core of neutron stars is so extreme that the rules of nuclear physics change and, this could lead to a strange and extremely dangerous substance. But let's not get ahead of ourselves. We first need to know the rules before we learn how they can be broken.

Protons and neutrons, the particles making up the nuclei of atoms, are made up of smaller particles called quarks .Quarks rally don't want to be alone ,They are what we call confined ,You can try to separate them but the harder you pull ,the harder they try to pull themselves back together .If you use a lot of energy , they just use this energy to create new quarks.Quarks only exists together as the building blocks of other particles, and have never been observed by themselves .They come in many types ,but only two appear to make stable matter the up and down quarks found in protons and neutrons ,All other quarks seem to decay away quickly.But this may be different inside neutron stars .The forces operating in their cores are so extreme, that they are actually similar to the universe shortly after the Big Bang ,Neutron star cores are like fossils which can let us peer back in time to the beginning of everything.So , learning how quarks behave inside a neutron star is a way of understanding the very nature of the universe itself ,One hypothesis , is that inside a neutron star core protons and neutrons de-confine. All the particles cram shoulder-to-shoulder dissolve , and melt into a sort-of bath of quarks.Uncountable numbers of particles one giant thing made purely from quarks #Quark matter.  A star made from this is called a quark star. Though, from the outside , it may not look any different than a regular neutron star.

Now, we can finally talk about the most dangerous substance.If the pressure inside a quark star is great enough it may get stranger.Literally.In the cores of neutron stars , some of the quarks may be converted into strange quarks .Strange quarks have bizarre nuclear properties and they are heavier and , for the lack of a better word, stronger. If they turn up, they could  create strange matter.Strange matter might be the ideal state of matter perfectly dense, perfectly stable, indestructible.
More stable than any other matter in the universe .So stable , that it can exist outside neutron  stars .If this is the case, we have a problem it might be infectious.Every piece of matter it touches might be so impressed by its stability  that it would immediately turn it into strange matter too. Protons and neutrons would dissolve and become part of the quark bath which frees energy and creates more strange matter . The only way to get rid of it would be to throw it into a black hole. But,then again,who cares .All of it is inside neutron stars.Except when neutron star collide with  other neutron stars or with black holes ,they spew out tremendous amounts of their insides some of which could include little droplets of strange matter called strangelets. 

Strangelets are as dense as the core of a neutron star.They could be really small , maybe even subatomic but even the largest strangelets wouldn't be any bigger than a rocket.These strangelets would drift through the galaxy for millions or billions of years until they meet a star or planet by chance.If one were to strike Earth, It would  immediately start converting it into strange matter.The more it coverts , the more it would grow .Ultimately ,all of the atoms making up Earth would be converted.Earth would become a hot clump of strange matter , the size of an asteroid.If a strangelet strikes the sun,it would collapse into a strange star,eating through it like fire through a dry forest.
This would not change the sun's mass much, but it would  become way less bright, so Earth would freeze to death And ,like a tiny virus ,we'd have no way to see a strangelet coming.Worse still, some theories suggest strangelets are more than common outnumbering all stars in the galaxy.These strangelets could have formed very early after Big Bang when it was as hot and dense as a neutron star core everywhere.They might be clumping around the gravity of galaxies , as the universe expanded and evolved. Strangelets could even be so numerous and massive ,that they might actually be the dark matter we suspects holds galaxies together. But then again maybe not.This is speculation ,and the Earth and Sun and planets haven't been consumed in a wildfire of strangelets in the past few billion years ,so the odds seem good that it  won't happen anytime soon.

Understanding these strange objects today may be the key to understanding the birth of our universe and why it grew to look the way it does now .When scientists first started playing with magnets and wires and thinking about electrons ,they had no idea how technology would evolve in the next hundred years .The scientists thinking about the cause of neutron stars and strange matter today may be setting up humans for a future beyond our wildest imaginations.Or , maybe not.Time will tell.

So, while you're waiting to see if the universe gets destroyed you might still want to find out more about it .We've got you.This blog can be your insight into a whole world of science ,black holes and all.

Strange Stars

Solar system and its components .. how planets moves around sun and thus around milky way

Solar System

THE SOLAR SYSTEM .Our home in space

We live in a peaceful part of the Milky Way .Our home is the solar system a 4.5-billion-year-old formation that races around the galactic center at  200,000 km/h and circles it once  every 250 million years.
Our star, the Sun , is at the center of the Solar system.It's orbited by eight planets,trillions of asteroids and comets and  a few dwarf planets .
The eight planets .Divided into four planets like ours:

  • Terrestrial planets :- Mercury,Venus,Earth and Mars .
  • Gas Giants :- Jupiter ,Saturn, Uranus and Neptune .

Terrestrial planets :- 

  1. Mercury is the smallest and lightest of all the planets.A Mercury year is  shorter than the Mercury day, which leads to enormous fluctuations in temperature.Mercury doesn't have an atmosphere or a moon.
  2. Venus is one of the brightest objects in the Solar system  and by far the hottest planet,with atmospheric pressure that is 92 times higher than on Earth. An out-of-control greenhouse effect means the Venus never cools below 437 degree Celsius. Venus also doesn't have a moon.
  3. Earth is our Home and the only planet with temperature that are moderate enough to allow for the surplus of liquid water. Furthermore,it's so far the only place where life is know to exist.The Earth has one moon.
  4. Mars is the second smallest planet in the Solar system,and hardly massive  enough to keep a very thin atmosphere.Its Olympus Mons is the largest mountain in the Solar system,more than three times as high as Mount Everest .Mars has two small moons.

Gas Giants :-

  1. Jupiter is the largest and most massive planet in the Solar system . It consists largely of hydrogen and helium and is the theater for the largest and most powerful storms we know.Its largest storm,the Great Red Spot is three times as large as Earth. Jupiter has sixty-seven moons.

  2. Saturn is the second largest planet and possesses the smallest density of all the planets.If you had a sufficiently large bathtub,Saturn would swim in it.Saturn is also  known for its extended,very visible ring system.It has sixty-two moons.
  3. Uranus is the third largest planet and one the coldest ,Of all the Gas Giants,it's also the smallest.The special thing about Uranus is that its  axis of rotation is tilted sideways in contrast to the seven other planets.Uranus has twenty-seven moons.
  4. Neptune is the last planet in the Solar system and is similar to Uranus.It's so far removed from the Sun that a Neptune year is 164 Earth years long.The highest wind  speed ever measured was in a storm on Neptune,at just under 2,100 km/h.Neptune has fourteen moons.    
1.If we compare the sizes of the planets,the differences between them become even clearer. Jupiter is the leader in terms of size and weight.small Mercury, on the other hand, is even smaller than one of the Jupiter's moons,Ganymede.Jupiter is so massive that alone it contains roughly 70% of the mass of all the other planets and has a massive impact on its surroundings .That's a blessing for Earth,since Jupiter draws most of the dangerously large asteroids that could wipe out life on Earth.But even Jupiter  is a dwarf in comparison to our star,the Sun. Calling it massive does not do justice to the Sun. It makes up 99.86% of the mass in our Solar system .For the most part , it  consists of hydrogen and helium. Only less than 2% is made up of heavy elements,like oxygen or iron.At its core,the Sun fuses 620 million tons of hydrogen each second and generates enough energy to satisfy mankind's needs for years.But only the eight planets orbit our Sun.

2.Trillions of asteroids and comets also circles it.Most of them are concentrated into two belts:

  • The Asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
  • The Kuiper belt   at the edge of the Solar system.

These belts are home to countless objects,some as large as a dust particle,others the size of dwarf planets.The most well-known  object in the asteroid belt is Ceres,the most well-known in the Kuiper belt are Pluto ,Makemake and Haumea. Usually we describe the asteroid belt as a dense collection of bodies that constantly  collide.But in fact,the asteroids are distributed across an area that is so indescribably large that it's even difficult to see two asteroids at once.Despite the billions of objects in them,the asteroid belts are fairly empty places. And nonetheless,there are collisions over and over again.The mass of both belts is also unimpressive the asteroid belt has a little less than 4% of our Moon's mass,and Kuiper belt is only between one 25th and one 10th of Earth's mass.

3.One day,the Solar system will cease to exist .The sun will die ,and Mercury ,Venus and maybe Earth too will be destroyed. In 500 billion years it will become hotter and hotter until  at some point it will melt Earth's crust. Then the Sun will grow and grow and either swallow Earth or at least turn ti into a sea of lava.When it has burnt up all its fuel and lost most of its mass, it will shrink to a white dwarf and burn gently for a few billion more years before it goes out entirely.Then ,at the latest ,life in the Solar system will no longer be possible.The Milky way will not even notice it.A small part of it in one of its arms, will become just a tiny bit darker.And mankind will cease to exist or leave the Solar system in search of a new home.

For more images of our home the Solar system

Dark matter And dark energy


1. The concept of dark matter arises due to some of the unanswered problems of the working of the universe and its unnatural phenomenons .
2. First of all the light moving through the empty spaces usually bends .. light has the property to bend when ever passing through the medium .. this proves the existence of invisible non reacting matter .. A
3.Also this matter adds mass to the existing universe as the speed of the ordinary matter revolving around the galactic center must be different according to the existing physics but in reality the velocity of matter around the galactic center is same this prove the existence of large amount of matter around the galactic boundaries .. according to universal law of gravitation the universe must be contracting but when we observe the wavelength of the light using the concept of Doppler effect there must be a blue shift but in reality there is red shift which simply means the galaxies are moving apart but how this extraordinary repulsion of matter is possible there must be some sort of the energy responsible for this .. which is referred as dark energy.
5.Matter,as we know it Atoms,stars and galaxies ,planets and trees ,rocks and us.This matter accounts for less than 5% of known universe about 25% is dark matter and 70% is dark energy both of which are invisible .This is kind of strange because it suggests that everything we experience is really only a tiny fraction of reality ,We really have no clue what dark matter and energy are,or how they work.We are pretty sure they exists though So,what do we know ?
6. Dark matter is the stuff that makes it possible for galaxies to exist,when we calculated why the universe is structured the way it is,it quickly became clear that there's just not enough normal matter.
The gravity of the visible matter is not strong enough to form galaxies and complex structures.The stars would more likely be scattered all over the place and not form galaxies So,we know there is something else inside and around them ,Something that doesn't emit or reflect light ,something dark but besides being able to calculate the existence of dark matter we can see it kind of ,places with high concentration of dark matter bend light passing near by.So we know there's something there that interacts with gravity.Right now,we have more ideas about what dark energy is not,than what it is!
We know dark matter is not just clouds of normal matter without stars because it would emit particles we could detect.
7.Dark matter is not anti-matter,because anti-matter produces unique gamma rays when it reacts with normal matter.Dark matter is also not made up of Black holes,very compact objects that violently affect their  surroundings,while dark matter seems to be scattered all over the place.Basically, we only know three things for sure.
   ->Something is out there.
   ->It interacts with gravity.
   ->There is a lot of it.
8.Dark matter is made up of a complicated exotic particle that doesn't interacts with light  and matter in a way we expect,but right now ,we just don't know Dark energy is more strange and mysterious.
   ->We can't detect it,we can't measure it and we can't taste it.
But we do see it affects very clearly.
9. In 1929,Edward Hubble examined how the wavelength of light emitted by distant galaxies ,shifts towards the red end of the electromagnetic spectrum as it travels through space .He found that fainter,more distant galaxies showed a large degree of red shifts,closer galaxies not so much.

10.Hubble determined that this was because the universe itself is expanding ,The red shift occurs,because the wavelengths of light are stretched as the universe expands .More recent discoveries have shown that,the expansion of the universe is accelerating .Before that, it is  thought that the pull of gravity would cause the expansion to either slow down or even retract and collapse in on itself at some point. Space doesn't change its properties as it expands; there's just more of it. New space is constantly created everywhere , galaxies are tight  bound clusters of stuff held together by gravity so we don't experience in our daily lives. But we see it everywhere around us ,Wherever there is empty space in the universe , more is forming every second . So , dark energy seems to be some kind of energy intrinsic to empty space . Energy that is  stronger than anything else we know and it keeps getting stronger as time passes by.
11.Empty space has more energy than everything else in the universe combined. We have multiple ideas about what dark energy might be. One idea is,the dark energy is not a thing ,but just a property of space.Empty space is not nothing , it has its own energy . It can generate more space and is quite active. So, as the universe expands ,it could we just more and more space appears to fill the gaps and this leads to a faster expanding universe. This idea is close to an idea that Einstein had back in 1917, of the concept of a cosmological constant a force that counteracted the force of gravity. The only problem is,that when we calculated the amount of this energy the result was so wrong and wired that it only added to the confusion . Another idea is that empty space is actually full of temporary virtual particles that spontaneously and continually form from nothing and then disappear  into nothing again.The energy from those particles could be dark energy. Or maybe dark energy is an unknown kind of dynamic energy fluid or field which permeates the entire universe ,but somehow has the opposite effect on the universe than normal energy and matter but if it exists,we don't know how and where or how we could detect it.So there are still a lot of questions to answers Our theories about dark matter and dark energy are  still just that;
12.On one hand ,this is kind of frustrating ,on the other hand this is frontier science making it very exiting .It shows us that no matter how much we feel we're on top of things,we are still very much apes with smartphones ,on a tiny fragile  island on space looking into the sky wondering how our universe works .There is so much left to learn ,and that is awesome.
Do feel free to ask questions i will try to post the solution of all your queries.  
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All Blackholes Are Going to Die?


So is it true..??

In true sense it is true that some day not now every black hole is going to die .. with the die it means decompose it can be due to the fact of hawking radiations ..due to our respected astrophysicist Stephen hawking we came to know that nothing in this universe is ever lasting weather it is blackhole or galaxies

Gamma Ray bursts

gamma-ray astronomy, gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) are extremely energetic explosions that have been observed in distant galaxies. They are the brightest electromagnetic events known to occur in the universe.Bursts can last from ten milliseconds to several hours.After an initial flash of gamma rays, a longer-lived "afterglow" is usually emitted at longer wavelengths (X-ray, ultraviolet, optical, infrared, microwave and radio).The intense radiation of most observed GRBs is thought to be released during a supernova or hypernova as a rapidly rotating, high-mass star collapses to form a neutron star, quark star, or black hole. A subclass of GRBs (the "short" bursts) appear to originate from a different process: the merger of binary neutron stars. The cause of the precursor burst observed in some of these short events may be the development of a resonance between the crust and core of such stars as a result of the massive tidal forces experienced in the seconds leading up to their collision, causing the entire crust of the star to shatter.The sources of most GRBs are billions of light years away from Earth, implying that the explosions are both extremely energetic (a typical burst releases as much energy in a few seconds as the Sun will in its entire 10-billion-year lifetime)and extremely rare (a few per galaxy per million years[8]). All observed GRBs have originated from outside the Milky Way galaxy, although a related class of phenomena, soft gamma repeater flares, are associated with magnetars within the Milky Way. It has been hypothesized that a gamma-ray burst in the Milky Way, pointing directly towards the Earth, could cause a mass extinction event. GRBs were first detected in 1967 by the Vela satellites, which had been designed to detect covert nuclear weapons tests. Following their discovery, hundreds of theoretical models were proposed to explain these bursts, such as collisions between comets and neutron stars. Little information was available to verify these models until the 1997 detection of the first X-ray and optical afterglows and direct measurement of their redshifts using optical spectroscopy, and thus their distances and energy outputs. These discoveries, and subsequent studies of the galaxies and supernovae associated with the bursts, clarified the distance and luminosity of GRBs, definitively placing them in distant galaxies.

After how many years all the blackholes are going to vanishe up??

Now this is a very slow process .. so it will take billions of years as there is huge no of stars in our universe so there will be continuous production of the black holes as these stars will take a long time die and still there is enough star dust so that the production of the star will be ongoing for several million years ...So first all the stars start dying which it self will take millions of years there after red dwarf will govern the universe .. then the era of complete darkness will start where there will be every few starts as a red drawft or white dwarf with very low luminous intensity leading to the darkness .. there after there will be decline int no of here stars .. then the era of black holes will starts where there will be complete darkness with the blackholes sucking everything.

So what will be the reason for the pause in the formation of stars and hence blackholes ??

a red dwarf
Here the concept of dark energy arises ...commonly we were only taught about gravitational forces .. but gravity is not the only thing .. for the year scientists believes that universe will die as a big crunch due to the gravity everything is going to merge .. but practically universe is expanding so whats the reason behind this .. it is Dark energy the energy which which keeps pushing things apart due to star formation is slowing down and there will the time where there will be no possible star dust for the formation of the stars .. leading to the dark world

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BLACK HOLES | Birth of a blackhole | why can't we see a blackhole | felling into a blackhole.

So first have a look at how does a black hole looks like  :-                                                                        

                                            Birth of a black hole

It just starts when a massive star runs out of fuel and due to massive size resulting into uneven or we can say heavy gravitational pull of the metallic core of the star it just collapse into the core due to large graviational pull of the core .. if the size of the star is large enough to take the density of the collapsed star upto damn high it just form dense ball like structure with a density of like earth collapsed into egg

Why can't we see a black hole

  1. Well we can't clearly say that...  but yes they are not visible still their presence can be easily identified.
    1. By gravitational lensing
    2. Gamma ray brusts
    3. hawking radiations
  2. So why they are not visible .. simple reason is that they bend space-time way too much that light cant even escape from it thats the only reason why we are still not able to find out what's inside event horizon

What if we accidently fell into a black hole

It could happen to anyone. Maybe you're out trying to find a new habitable planet for the human race, or maybe you're just on a long walk and you slip. Whatever the circumstances, at some point we all find ourselves confronted with the age-old question: what happens when you fall into a black hole?

The outermost boundary of the hole is its event horizon, the point at which the gravitational force precisely counteracts the light's efforts to escape it. Go closer than this, and there's no escape. The event horizon is ablaze with energy. Quantum effects at the edge create streams of hot particles that radiate back out into the universe. This is called Hawking radiation, after the physicist Stephen Hawking, who predicted it. Given enough time, the black hole will radiate away its mass, and vanish. You might expect to get crushed, or maybe torn to pieces. But the reality is stranger than that.

Now Without waiting lets just dive into a blackhole ..near the blackhole you are able feel a small stretch on your body but still you can use you cell phone flash to single ... but by the time reaches near the event horizon .. you got freezed there as the time stops there to the curving of spacetime .. if you wanted to see whats next if you somehow managed to go more deeper then your body will be converted into ashes as soon as you got exposed to blazing hawking radiations

How big Blackholes actually are ?

Black holes can be big or small. Scientists think the smallest black holes are as small as just one atom. These black holes are very tiny but have the mass of a large mountain. Mass is the amount of matter, or "stuff," in an object. Another kind of black hole is called "stellar." Its mass can be up to 20 times more than the mass of the sun. There may be many, many stellar mass black holes in Earth's galaxy. Earth's galaxy is called the Milky Way. The largest black holes are called "supermassive." These black holes have masses that are more than 1 million suns together. Scientists have found proof that every large galaxy contains a supermassive black hole at its center. The supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way galaxy is called Sagittarius A. It has a mass equal to about 4 million suns and would fit inside a very large ball that could hold a few million Earths.

Could a Blackhole have sufficient energy to destroy earth?

Black holes do not go around in space eating stars, moons and planets. Earth will not fall into a black hole because no black hole is close enough to the solar system for Earth to do that. Even if a black hole the same mass as the sun were to take the place of the sun, Earth still would not fall in. The black hole would have the same gravity as the sun. Earth and the other planets would orbit the black hole as they orbit the sun now. The sun will never turn into a black hole. The sun is not a big enough star to make a black hole

So you can get black holes picture in our gallery

Hope you understand a proper Black holes definition 

Stay tuned to get more Black holes facts And black holes in space

Gamma-Ray Bursts | Death From Space Explained

Gamma Ray Bursts Explained Gamma Ray Bursts   .What causes Gamma Ray Burst , how Gamma rays Can kill you , Gamma Ray bursts as d...