Gravitational lensing  .. this bending in the light is due to the  high gravitational field and the property of light to bend when passing through matter

A red dwarf ... A dying stat at the age of its death with the dim light .. just lighting up the near by space 

Satellite revolving around the earth as seen from the international space station those flaps are nothing serious but just the solar panels  to provide the required energy to the satellite 
Animation on the the image of earth as seen from the space station  ..  blue is used here to show the dept of the cosmos

Earth like rocky planet facing the solar winds due to huge supernova  or may be a gamma ray bursts  ending up every thing on the planet

Milky way galaxy as seen from the earth  on complete dark night ....

Bending of space-time due to the heavy celestial body like a black hole of a super massive star .. giving rise to gravitational force

Animated image of the blackhole with the star dust around it and gamma rays bursting outward

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